SKU(재고 관리 코드):MB66148
Calretinin monoclonal antibody
Calretinin monoclonal antibody
Calretinin (29 kDa calbindin, calbindin 2) is a calcium-binding protein of the EF-hand family encoded by the CALB2 gene. It is differentially expressed from homologous family member calbindin-d28k in distinct neuronal populations of the retina, auditory system, and cerebellar granule cells , and acts as a marker for specific neuronal subsets of the subthalamic nucleus and the substantia nigra . Calretinin has been shown to play an important role in modulating neuronal excitability and the induction of long-term potentiation . Research has shown that, pathologically, Calretinin is a selective marker for epithelial mesothelioma, making it a diagnostic tool to differentiate from