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SKU(재고 관리 코드):NCP0188P

CD1D polyclonal antibody

CD1D polyclonal antibody


The CD1 multigene family encodes five forms of the CD1 T cell surface glyco_x005F_x0002_protein in human, designated CD1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E. CD1, a type 1 mem_x0002_brane protein, has structural similarity to the MHC class I antigen and has been shown to present lipid antigens for recognition by T lymphocytes. CD1 anti_x0002_gens are associated with b-2-Microglobulin and expressed on cortical thymo_x0002_cytes, Langerhans cells, a B cell subset and some dendritic cells. Adaptor pro_x0002_tein complexes and CD1-associated chaperones control CD1 trafficking and the development and activation of CD1-restricted T cells. CD1D is present on human intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) and exists as a b-2-Microglobulin_x0002_independent nonglycosylated form or a b-2-Microglobulin-dependent glycosy_x0002_lated form. The human CD1D gene maps to chromosome 1q23.1 and encodes a 335 amino acid protein that influences normal T cell maturation.

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