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SKU(재고 관리 코드):MB9371

MSY2 monoclonal antibody

MSY2 monoclonal antibody


Major constituent of messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs). Involved in the regulation of the stability and/or translation of germ cell mRNAs. Binds to Y-box consensus promoter element. Binds to full-length mRNA with high affinity in a sequence-independent manner. Binds to short RNA sequences containing the consensus site 5'-UCCAUCA-3' with low affinity and limited sequence specificity. Its binding with maternal mRNAs is necessary for its cytoplasmic retention. May mark specific mRNAs (those transcribed from Y-box promoters) in the nucleus for cytoplasmic storage, thereby linking transcription and mRNA storage/translational delay.

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