SKU(재고 관리 코드):BS7363
RIPK3 polyclonal antibody
RIPK3 polyclonal antibody
The death domain is a cytoplasmic domain of approximately 80 amino acids that is necessary for the transduction of apoptotic signals and is present in the apoptosis-mediating receptors TNF-R1 and FAS. Other death domain-containing, but otherwise structurally unrelated proteins have been identified on the basis of their ability to associate with the cytoplasmic domains of TNF-R1 or FAS. One of these proteins, the receptor-interacting protein 3 (RIP3), contains an N-terminal kinase domain and shares extensive homology with RIP and RIP2. However, RIP3 contains a unique C-terminal death domain, which promotes apoptosis. RIP3 can be expressed as two splice variants, RIP3β and RIP3γ, which contain a truncated N-terminal kinase domain and a distinct and shorter C-terminus. Subsequently, expression of these splice variants downregulates RIP3-mediated apoptosis.