SKU(재고 관리 코드):BS7944
HMGN1 polyclonal antibody
HMGN1 polyclonal antibody
The high-mobility group (HMG) proteins 14 and 17 are abundant chromosomal proteins that bind to nucleosomes and enhance transcription (1–5). HMG-14 and HMG-17 also function as architectural elements, which alter the structure of the chromatin fiber and enhance transcription from chromatin templates (1–3,5). HMG-14/17 proteins modify the nucleosomal organization of the 30 nm chromatin fiber and mediate the unfolding of the higher order chromatin structure thereby facilitating access to the underlying DNA sequence (1–3). Clustering of architectural elements, such as HMG proteins and linker histone subtypes into distinct domains, may lead to structural and functional heterogeneity along the chromatin fiber (1–3). In addition, HMG-14 and HMG-17 have been identified as constitutive components of mouse oocyte and embryonic chromatin that establish a link between the structure of embryonic chromatin and the normal progression of embryonic development (2). 3/17/2004